Well, another SUPER 6 is over and done with and I'm sitting here in the pressbox thinking about the last three days games and things behind the scenes.
First on my mind is the slow ass internet they have here at Legion Field, the internal workings of this place is as delapidated and in need of repair as you can get. The playing surface needs lots of attention. Even though it's SprintTurf, it still needs maintenance. Or the City of Birmingham could put lipstick on a pig and make the needed repairs or make bulldozer food out of it and build the new dome here.
As I was walking the sidelines earlier today, I noticed something sparkling in the turf. It was a broken piece of women's jewelry, diamonds and ruby's I think, or a cheap copy blinding me from the reflection of the stadium lights. Also, I found a torque key that snaps on a Bogen monopod. Now I have an extra. As Mullet would say,"pieces is pieces".
Why is there a Greatful Dead sticker on the toilet partition in the men's room? And did I mention the slow ass internet? It also disconnects at anytime. I wish I had Michelob Light, the lady at the drink machine keeps promising me one, after 10 pm.
Listening to a few post game coaches interviews - "We were prepared real good" - "We thought we could run / pass" - "well, were not making excuses, but......."
I came back up to the pressbox at halftime from the early game today, and someone had been messing with my laptop. I'm just glad we had warm weather this weekend. Last year it was brutally cold, remember, we are playing in Alabama. On Thursday night last year it was 12 degrees with a 20 mph wind blowing. It was 70 today. I've seen 6 games in 3 days, but there were only two decent bands represented, and one of the good bands played pep songs during the third quarter, that's something I've never heard. Did I mention the slow ass internet?
There is also nothing to drink after the last game. I'm glad I saved my cup from halftime. I didn't really save it, it just didn't get thrown away. Can I have another chickenfinger? I notice on these SprintTurf fields that we may need to replace our divits after we move our monopods. They seem to sink about an inch into the filler material.
I'm not sure that Oxford should not have been here. It might have been a different outcome. I feel sorry for the placekicker from Briarwood. He missed an extra point that would have tied the game with less than 30 seconds to play.