Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Out Of The Box

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned....photographically
It's been four weeks since my last blog.
I think........
I've thought about it a lot.
Just ain't done nothing about it.
Ain't even picked up my camera.
Until this week.

One of the local photography organizations that I belong to has a print competition each month, and the theme of the competition this month was 'OUT OF THE BOX'.

Most of the other photographers are the portrait type.
I'm the total opposite.
I'm not very good at portraits.
It's just something I never shoot.
I like it when the playing field is leveled.

I thought about this months theme for a couple of weeks.
I had an image I wanted to make.
It involved the abuse of a 'Jack-in-the-box'.
I visited all of the Thrift Stores in the area with no luck.

I don't know when or why I thought about FROOT LOOPS.
That's just the way my little 'ol mind works.

Lot's of color.
A box to come 'out of'.
A couple of props.
Then I started to think about a composite image.
How's that for 'Out Of The Box'?

I set up a couple of studio lights (yes, I have studio lights).
Made some final adjustments on my new idea.
Shot a bunch of different angles.
Picked out one I liked.

And put it together using sixteen different images cut from one main image.