Friday, December 19, 2008

Pickin' n Grinnin'

Rich man.
Poor man.
Beggar man.
Indian Chief.

They were all there last night.
Well........maybe not all of them.
I don't know if a doctor was in the house.....and I don't think anything was stolen.
But it was definitely a good time.
Lots of good blue grass music, good food, good drink, and good friends. Some old, some new.
It all happened at Gina and Lynwoods house(actually in Lynwoods barn)last night.
They have been trying to get me to come down and set in with them and bring my guitar. So, you know me, I brought a camera instead.

Everybody, no matter how young or how old joins in.

Lynwood specializes in his cajun accordian.

They had quite a few musicians last night.

It was a very good turnout. About thirty to thirty-five people attended. Musicians, spouses, and friends just wanting to hear good music.

Everyone was serious about the music and kept it flowing all night.

Lynwood even let the youngun's join in.

Sometimes, you gots to prime da pump to gets someting out o' it, if you know what I mean.

People gathered just to talk and have a good time.

Gina, does that cherry taste like a real cherry or does it have a corn flavor?

Gina and Lynwood like to travel around this great big ol country of ours, from sea to shining sea, but somehow I get the feeling that they collect car tags from each state for souvenirs.
You better watch your tag if you see them in your state.

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