Sunday, October 19, 2008

I got shafted but I didn't drink the koolaid

I got to play around this afternoon with a couple of shafts of light shining through the stadium exits in Tuscalooser.
It was fun to see what I could come up with.
Very interesting.
But remember from last weeks post about how much love they show me in Athens, Georgia?
I don't get the same kind of love in T-town, but I did find a sign.
It was on the bottom floor of the elevator.
It was marked with a 'G'
I found that when I went up in the pressbox to eat lunch. Caesar Salad and Lasagna. And plenty of koolaid.
I sat at a table to eat my lunch with a sportswriter who was a major koolaid drinker. He stated that anyone could not possibly be more left leaning than he was. He was already beginning to plan his celebration for the election. I almost lost my lunch. He was sickening.
I didn't drink his koolaid.

Oh well......back to the show.

I thought this was a cool shot of Bama fans cheering for their team.

See what I mean by the cool shaft of light?

There were about three shafts illuminating the field is certain areas.

It would highlight a player if he was in the right place.

Or highlight the fans.

Or my 'G' spot, I mean it would highlight the majorettes.

Or hydrate an official.

No, not these officials, they are self hydrating.

Notice the student section cheering for their team? Not only did I learn some new words today, I learned how to creatively use the word M-t-e-F-c-eR from them. If you look closely, you can see one student cheering with his middle finger.

Ole Miss quarterback Jevan Snead loses the ball after a sack by Bama linebacker Eryk Anders.

Bama runningback Mark Ingram rushes around right end and is stopped short of the endzone.

I promise to do better next week 'cause I'll be shooting the Cup race at Atlanta.
No koolaid, but plenty of adult beverages and more action than todays game.
Now I hope I can live up to the hype.

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